First, we're having a spring special. From now through the end of May, take 10% off your order at with contest code SPRING2011. Remember, shipping is free on orders over $50.00.
Most importantly, we're having another photo contest - SPRING FLOWERS CONTEST. Submit your favorite floral snapshot (that you have taken) to Contest starts April 18, 2011 and ends May 31, 2011. All entries must be received by May 31, 2011 11:59 EST. Along with your photo, include your full name, address, phone number, and email address. If you don't have a digital copy of your photo, you can mail a print to us at Watercolors By Phyllis, PO Box 312, Topinabee, MI 49791. Sorry, but we will not be able to return any entries sent by mail. Winners will be notified by email by June 30, 2011.
We will evaluate the entries and choose our three favorites. All three favorites will be used as inspiration for watercolor paintings by artist Emilia Ackerman. The first place winner will receive the original watercolor rendition of their submitted photo, a matted 5 x 7" print and a free box of 10 note cards based on the painting. The second place winner will receive a free 5 x 7" matted print and box of 10 note cards based on their photo-inspired painting. Third prize winner will receive a free box of 10 note cards based on their photo-inspired painting.
If you send us a photo,
- You must own or at least have the right to send us the photo, and by sending it to us you are indemnifying us (Watercolors By Phyllis LLC) from any copyright or trademark infringement or any other liability related to the photo and its use.
- You are granting us (Watercolors By Phyllis LLC) the non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, royalty free right to use and distribute the photo and any painting or print based on that photo, without limit, as we see fit.
- One entry per email address, so pick your best photo.